Who Knows

Well, I end up in obscure places and wonder what's going on.  On line at the cocoa beanery, I have my attention drawn to a man who is waving a book at me.  "I wrote this book, do you read poetry? I wrote this book and sold 600 copies. Here, read this." I'm not in the middle of a city, I'm in Hershey at a relatively yuppy coffee shop.  So I read.  Touching.  Heartwarming. " Very nice," I explain.  I glanced at his bio on the back page and made my way to the line.  (A cornell graduate? Is he retired? Is he okay?) Ordered a salad and cinnamon infused tea. Sat down.

It has been a wacky week.  Over all it started well, with good physical signs.  I could talk and eat the majority of the day.  Then the craziness of a labored swallow and the need to drink extra water kicked in about Monday, okay a bit at Saturday brunch.   I guess that is the beginning of the week.  After a morning and afternoon of a few conversations, the last few evenings were terrible.  I limited eating and barely talked during dinner.  One word sentences, some of which sounded like I was holding my nose, and an occasional barely intelligible word. 

So I have an ENT appointment on Friday and a call in to my neurologist.  A few 2nd opinions for the beginning of the new year.  I have lab work going to teat for a new-found antibody for Myasthenia Gravis. 

Praying it all goes away or that I have a heading and an altitude soon.  A consistent one.  I can see why a blogging friend entitled her blog "Living with Chronic Illness: The Roller Coaster of MG."  I don't even like roller coasters anymore.

As I type I am encouraged by the song overhead:

Joyful all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies.
With angelic host proclaim
Christ is born in Bethlehem. 

Seems so far away now but I know it is true.

Christmas will come whether we are ready or not.  Aunt Donna in Texas just shared the with me.  Good one.


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