
Showing posts from July, 2008

Unfolding Parenting Appreciation

So, it is funny to me how so many successful adults do not appreciate how they were raised, and flee from their parents, both literally and communicatively. Aren't they now successful adults? Do they think they got there totally alone? I'm pretty sure that many parent's goal is to help their children become successful adults (for whatever definition they find success to have). I find it unsettling that our 5 month daughter now NEEDS us 24/7 and one day might flee from us. I guess that's not our main concern with parenting. I hope for her to be rooted in the Word of God and ambitious to achieve her personal best in whatever field(s) she chooses. I know to my in laws it appears that I am a hater of sports - if she excels in sports, that would be a field she chooses. Well, I don't really hate them, I just couldn't think of anything more boring to watch on TV and don't particularly have interest in the outcome. It's not really fun to feel mocked that I don...

New Bedtime More Ustime

We tried a new, earlier bedtime for Naomi last night. Seven seemed to be the buzz time we kept hearing from respected parents we know. She went to sleep until 8am! So, this led to a full evening of Mike and I getting to literally "hang out" together. I don't think I can remember the time when we last both had 5 hours together where we had to stay at the house. It was actually very enjoyable. Even though we just piddled the time away by getting sucked into "Take Home Nanny" and "John and Kate plus 8," it was nice to chime back and forth about our transitions, and of course, throw in a game of Cribbage. Yet again, there was another medical analogy that Mike related to us, thistime about my uneasyness of sticking with a budget. This stemmed from me not ever being used to having good stewardship over my finances. I was never in a hole, but I also never really kept track. The day to "keep track" has come. Mike brought up that this may be similar ...

Searching for Time to Fill Up

Hello - As I just caught myself sifting through ads of who needs services fulfilled on craigslist, I realized I was filling my time with nothingness while trying to find things to fill my time with for compensation. Who knows why. I'm here relaxing after a nice afternoon BBQ at our church. Maybe it's free time that I'm not sure what to do with, however, I do enjoy this mellow out time while the baby's sleeping. So, speaking of compensation, I definately try to overcompensate for my husband's lax parenting style in public with this psychotic over protective mother parenting style. How embarassing! Last night we were out at Dave and Buster's with some single friends of ours from college. Yes, we brought our 4 1/2 month daughter along, figuring she'll sleep most of the time and we'll be home around 9 or 10, only a few hours past her bedtime. Heh heh . . . Yeah, we're young, we're cool, bringing our little baby out to some local hangout for ...

Sweet Baby

The swirls of thoughts I had planned on jotting down have escaped me. So, I'll tell you about the highlight of my week. My husband and I hired a babysitter and went out to a great Thai restaurant called Thai L'Elephant . What a great time to re-group and a nice chance to talk about what was going on with "us" as opposed to how many cute things Naomi did that day. Apparently , according to him, I was the one that kept bringing up subjects about the baby. My husband just finished his residency and has begun fellowship. Three years ago, we moved away from our families after being married a year, and he entered into an ivy-league no bs Residency program. He usually had 4-6 days off a month, and there were times that we were grateful for him coming home "early" from a 20 hr shift as opposed to a 30 hr one. As a nice contrast, now he is only working 7 weekends out of the whole year, and basically on a 7-5 schedule. I used to plan on him staying at the ho...