Who We Are Waiting For: The Rescuer

We all need to be rescued from something. I need to be rescued from gluttonous eating and checking my phone while I'm with someone else. Last month I was not able to swallow or talk well, so I needed to be rescued from being malnourished and the limitations of myasthenia gravis. My children need to be rescued from the agony of defeat when playing a family game. My friend needs to be rescued from the fear of her son possibly having a bad infection. I have many, many friends who need to be rescued from anxiety, self-consciousness, and fear. The list can go on, I'm sure you can relate to something you need to be rescued from. We have a Rescuer. This sermon by Jared Mellinger is my initial source for our Lord being our rescuer. Jared highlights the excerpt from Acts 12 where Peter was rescued from prison; "and the chains fell off his hands" while he was basically sleepwalking. So, I'm not literally in prison, ...