Good Mourning, Unapproachable Light

The intense sun beasts through our corner window in our main living space this morning.  It is freezing outside, but the hot sun is grabbing my attention to each outside element. Inside it reflects off the little 1/4 size viola. 

We let our nanny go this morning.  Objectively, good.  For our family, good. As a mom, tricky with a side of mourning, but appropriate. I'm grateful I am able talk now after a half-silent winter and think straight about these things!  As the nanny saw me getting stronger, my role switched from a "mam" to an enabling mother of a college student home on spring break.  The college student who does not know what she does not know.  I will pray for her future that she finds places to exercise her gifts and excel, and that she makes her family proud. One month and two days of her work was a good amount of time for me to understand what she can do.  It only took my Oma an hour. What I'd give for that kind of wisdom!

I have been praying for God to keep this door open or close it, with our nanny.  It was clearly closing throughout the week and we just had to shut it this morning. I was encouraged by Ben Kreps' sermon last week, reminding us that even positions of authority or servanthood, thrones and dominions, both human and spiritual are under the headship of God. Psalm 2:1-2. This is reassuring when setting up any infrastructure, with headship and subbordinate-ship, hiring and firing people, and allows us to remove our emotion from the objective decisions. 

According to my sermon notes, as God healed the rift between God and Man, we can trust Him that He is the superior creator, reconciler, and peace bringer.  These truths really assist a peace that transcends understanding when you are going through confrontational or less than desirable circumstances.

Very excited for what's on the horizon.

The King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone has immortality, who dwells in unapproachable light, whom no one has ever seen or can see. To him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen. 
1 Timothy 6:15-16 ESV

Link to Sermon References 


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